
The Informed Medical Decisions Foundation (previously known as the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making) has been working for over two decades to advance evidence-based shared decision making through research, policy, clinical models and patient decision aids.

The website contains a large collection of tools and decision aids to support shared decision making across a broad range of clinical areas.  Both patients and professionals will find this site invaluable.
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The Cochrane Library

This web course has been designed to help individuals understand the fundamentals of evidence-based healthcare concepts and skills. The course is free, but you have to register. تابع القراءة »

CCNET logo

The Cochrane Consumer Network (CCNET) exists to support health care users, their parents and carers learn about evidence-based healthcare. It encourages consumers throughout the world to give their perspectives and help set priorities for health care.

The Network promotes the use of evidence-based healthcare to guide well-informed decisions about health care. CCNet offers تابع القراءة »


The UKCRN helps to provide the infrastructure that allows high-quality clinical research to take place in the NHS, so that patients can benefit from new and better treatments, and we can learn how to improve NHS healthcare for the future.

On this site you can learn more about the Clinical Research Network, including:
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World Health Organization

This post contains links to several databases that list ongoing research in health care.  These databases are managed by respective national and international bodies.  You should note that the same trials may appear in more than one database. تابع القراءة »

Jun 042012
NCI Logo

The US National Cancer Institute provides information about clinical trials that is useful to everyone, not just people who are interested in cancer.


DUETs publishes treatment uncertainties from patients, carers, clinicians, and from research recommendations, covering a wide variety of health problems.

Where do the uncertainties published in UK DUETs come from?

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The Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases of information about the effects of health care interventions or diagnostic tests.

The databases, whose content is available free and in full text format to users in the UK, are: تابع القراءة »

Jun 042012
PubMed Health logo

PubMed Health specializes in reviews of clinical effectiveness research, with easy-to-read summaries for consumers as well as full technical reports. Clinical effectiveness research finds answers to the question “What works?” in medical and health care.
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NHS CHoices

Behind the Headlines provides an unbiased and evidence-based analysis of health stories that make the news.
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